Satwa Langka Di Natuna
Satwa Langka Kekah Natuna

natuna terancam punah, satwa ini termasuk hewan langka yang hanya ada
di daerah Kabupaten
Natuna. Berdasarkan para peneliti pada Pusat Studi Biodiversitas dan
Konservasi (PSBK) dan mahasiswa Program Pasca Sarjana, Biologi
Konservasi, Universitas Indonesia (UI), Kekah natuna hanya ditemui di
Pulau Natuna (Bunguran Besar) saja. Di pulau tersebut kekah tersebar
dalam beberapa tipe habitat dan ketinggian (gunung tertinggi adalah Gunung
Ranai 1.035 m dpl). Habitat yang dihuni Kekah Natuna antara lain,
hutan primer pegunungan, hutan sekunder, kebun karet tua, daerah
riparian, dan juga ditemui beririsan dengan hutan mangrove dan kebun
campuran (Indrawan & Rangkuti, 2002). Sayang sekali, di kepulauan
ini belum ada kawasan perlindungan (daerah konservasi).
Selain itu, status endemisitas yang hanya terbatas pada satu pulau,
ditambah perburuan yang tinggi untuk dipelihara dan dijual, serta belum
ada usaha-usaha penyadartahuan masyarakat (public awareness),
menyebabkan kekah natuna sangat terancam punah. Oleh karena itu, aksi
perlindungan terhadap kekah natuna sangat mendesak untuk segera
dilakukan. Bila tidak, dalam waktu dekat kekah natuna akan mengalami
kepunahan, dan bumi akan kehilangan salah satu jenis primata endemiknya
di Indonesia.
Karena ketiadaan kawasan konservasi di Kepulauan Natuna, kekah natuna akan segera punah akibat kehilangan habitat dan perburuan.
Ferdi N. Rangkuti *)
Kepulauan Natuna terletak di Laut Cina Selatan antara Semenanjung
Malaysia, Borneo, Vietnam dan Kamboja. Pada gugusan Kepulauan Natuna,
terdapat Pulau Natuna atau Bunguran Besar yang letaknya di bagian dengan
koordinat 030 38’ – 040 15’ LU dan 1070 58’ – 1080 25’ BT. Luas pulau
sekitar 172.000 ha, dengan panjang 65 km dan lebar 45 km.
Beberapa hewan endemik dapat ditemui di pulau ini di antaranya Kekah natuna
(Presbytis Natunae), kukang (Nycticebus Coucang Natunae), dan kera ekor
panjang (Macaca Fascicularis Pumila) adalah tiga primata endemik di
Pulau Natuna. Selain itu, beberapa jenis hewan yang terancam punah
seperti Duyung (Dugong), Penyu
Belimbing (Dermochelys coreacea), dan Buaya Muara (Crocodilus
porosus) juga terdapat di Pulau Natuna (Chasen, 1935).
Begitu pula dengan tumbuhan, Pulau Natuna kaya akan jenis-jenis
tumbuhan, terutama pohon yang bernilai ekonomis tinggi dari jenis-jenis Dipterocarpaceae
(Steenis, 1932). Pulau Natuna juga memiliki beragam tipe vegetasi,
diantaranya hutan primer pegunungan, hutan kerangas, hutan rawa, dan
mangrove. Sangat disayangkan, ternyata kekayaan keanekaragaman hayati di
Pulau Natuna memiliki ancaman yang besar dan sangat serius.
Kekah natuna (Presbytis natunae), merupakan fauna yang mengalami
ancaman paling besar dan serius. Salah satu ancaman terbesarnya adalah
kehilangan habitat akibat konversi lahan dan perburuan. Selain itu,
jenis primata endemik ini sangat dikenal oleh masyarakat Natuna, karena
memiliki nilai jual yang cukup tinggi. Kekah natuna dijual dengan harga
antara Rp. 300.000,- hingga Rp. 800.000,- per ekor. Kekah yang masih
muda memiliki nilai jual lebih tinggi, begitu juga kekah dewasa yang
sudah terlatih atau jinak.
Banyaknya orang yang ingin memelihara kekah natuna ini, karena secara
morfologi bentuknya sangat lucu, selain itu hewan ini juga mudah jinak,
dan dianggap memiliki nilai prestisius bila memeliharanya. Beberapa
orang yang memelihara kekah mengaku sangat mudah merawatnya, karena
kekah mau diberi makan apa saja, seperti makanan yang biasa dimakan
manusia (nasi, roti, susu, pisang, dan sayur-sayuran). Tentu saja banyak
kasus kekah yang mati dalam pemeliharaan akibat konsumsi pakan yang
tidak sesuai.
Selain itu, kekah juga diketahui banyak dibawa keluar pulau sebagai oleh-oleh atau hadiah, maupun untuk dijual. Transportasi yang digunakan biasanya kapal-kapal dagang di pelabuhan-pelabuhan lokal, karena biasanya tidak melalui pemeriksaan yang berarti.
Selain itu, kekah juga diketahui banyak dibawa keluar pulau sebagai oleh-oleh atau hadiah, maupun untuk dijual. Transportasi yang digunakan biasanya kapal-kapal dagang di pelabuhan-pelabuhan lokal, karena biasanya tidak melalui pemeriksaan yang berarti.
Disebabkan banyaknya permintaan dan harga jual yang relatif cukup
tinggi, jumlah kekah yang diburu semakin banyak. Penelitian yang
dilakukan oleh Tim PSBK UI selama 16 Juni hingga 2 Juli 2002, tercatat
sebanyak 28 ekor Kekah pernah tertangkap dan dipelihara. Sebagian besar
hewan tersebut akan dijual oleh pemiliknya. Dari hasil wawancara dengan
beberapa orang yang pernah memelihara kekah natuna, hewan tersebut mudah
mati dan tidak bertahan lama bila dipelihara. Selain karena pakan yang
tidak sesuai, kemungkinan lain karena kekah mudah stres.
Jumlah kekah yang dipelihara baik yang terdata maupun yang tidak
terdata, belum mewakili jumlah keseluruhan yang ditangkap/diburu.
Biasanya untuk mendapatkan seekor kekah yang ditangkap adalah anaknya
dengan cara menembak induknya. Selain dengan ditembak, primata ini
ditangkap dengan cara dikejar dan diperangkap. Cara menangkap dengan
dikejar biasanya dilakukan oleh penduduk lokal yang telah terbiasa
berburu di hutan. Kekah betina yang terlihat menggendong seekor anak
akan dikejar terus-menerus. Biasanya tidak terlalu lama, induk kekah
akan melepaskan anaknya (diduga karena kekah mudah stress dan panik).
Anak yang dilepaskan akan diam saja di suatu pohon, jika pohonnya
digoyang-goyangkan dengan cukup keras disertai teriakan-teriakan, anak
kekah tersebut akan melompat/terjun ke bawah, sehingga mudah ditangkap.
Cara menangkap dengan perangkap dilakukan menggunakan perangkap kayu
yang besar dan diletakkan di dekat kebun atau ladang.
Penduduk biasanya memasang perangkap untuk menjebak kera, yang memang
hama nomor dua bagi ladang dan kebun mereka. Oleh karena itu, perangkap
tersebut jarang diperiksa, sehingga pernah terjadi satu grup kekah,
sejumlah 5 ekor, terperangkap mati dalam jebakan tersebut karena tidak
mendapat makanan dan minuman. Tidak hanya perburuan, kekah juga semakin
terdesak karena permasalahan habitat. Hingga tahun 2000, penebangan liar
di Natuna hampir menghabiskan hutan dataran rendah yang menjadi habitat
kekah. Kini kekah lebih sering dijumpai di kebun karet tua yang telah
menyerupai hutan sekunder. Sayangnya, kebun karet tersebut merupakan
kebun yang sudah tidak produktif lagi, dan berdasarkan data dari Dinas
Pertanian dan Kehutanan, Kabupaten Natuna,
kebun-kebun karet tersebut akan diremajakan atau diproduktifkan lagi
dengan jenis tanaman baru. Hal ini semakin mempersempit habitat kekah
yang tersisa.
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Kekah Natuna endangered wildlife including the
endangered animals that exist only in Natuna regency. Based on the researchers at the
Center for Biodiversity and Conservation (PSBK) and students of the
Graduate Program, Conservation Biology, University of Indonesia (UI),
Kekah Natuna only found in Natuna Island (Bunguran Large) only. Kekah
scattered across the island in several types of habitat and altitude
(the highest mountain is Mount Ranai 1035 m asl). Habitat occupied Kekah Natuna among others,
mountainous primary forests, secondary forests, an old rubber
plantation, riparian areas, and is also found in conjunction with
mangrove forests and mixed farms (Indrawan & Rangkuti, 2002). Unfortunately, in these islands there are no
protected areas (conservation areas).
In addition, the status of endemism that are limited to one island, plus hunting high to be maintained and sold, and there has been no public awareness efforts (public awareness), cause kekah Natuna critically endangered. Therefore, the action of the protection of the Natuna kekah very urgent to be done. If not, in the near kekah Natuna will become extinct, and the earth will lose one species of primates endemic in Indonesia.
In the absence of a conservation area in the Natuna Islands, Natuna kekah will soon become extinct due to habitat loss and poaching.
Ferdi N. Rangkuti *)
Natuna Islands in the South China Sea lies between Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Vietnam and Cambodia. In the cluster of the Natuna Islands, there is the island of Natuna Besar or Bunguran located at the coordinates 030 38 '- 040 15' N latitude and 1070 58 '- 1080 25' longitude. Wide island about 172 000 ha, with a length of 65 km and 45 km wide.
Some endemic animals can be found on the island include Kekah Natuna (Presbytis Natunae), slow loris (Nycticebus coucang Natunae), and long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis pumila) is a three primates endemic to the island of Natuna. In addition, several endangered species such as Mermaids (Dugong), leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coreacea), and Crocodile Estuary (Crocodilus porosus) are also found in Natuna Island (Chasen, 1935).
Similarly, the plant is rich Natuna Island species of plants, especially trees of high economic value of the types of Dipterocarpaceae (Steenis, 1932). Natuna island also has a variety of vegetation types, including primary forest mountains, kerangas forest, swamp forest and mangrove. It is unfortunate, it was a wealth of biodiversity on the island of Natuna have a big threat very seriously.
Kekah Natuna (Presbytis natunae), a fauna which has the largest and most serious threat. One of the biggest threats are habitat loss due to land conversion and poaching. In addition, this endemic primate species is known by the public Natuna, because it has a fairly high sales value. Natuna Kekah sold for between Rp. 300.000, - to Rp. 800.000, - per head. Kekah the young have a higher sale value, as well as adults who have been trained kekah or benign.
The number of people who want to maintain this Natuna kekah, because the morphological shape is very funny, but it is also easy to tame animals, and is considered to have a prestige value if preserving it. Some people who keep claiming kekah very easy to take care, because kekah not be fed anything at all, as humans commonly eaten foods (rice, bread, milk, bananas, and vegetables). Of course, many cases of death kekah in maintenance due to the consumption of feed that is not appropriate.In addition, kekah too much taken out of the island known as a souvenir or gift, or for sale. Transportation used commonly merchant ships in local ports, because it is usually not through examination of the means.
Due to high demand and selling prices relatively high, the number of kekah who hunted more and more. Research conducted by Tim PSBK UI for June 16 to July 2, 2002, there were 28 tails Kekah been caught and preserved. Most animals will be sold by the owner. From interviews with several people who have to maintain kekah Natuna, the animal is dead easy and does not last long if maintained. In addition to its food that is not appropriate, other possibilities for kekah easily stressed.
Number of well maintained kekah recorded or not recorded, yet represent the total number caught / hunted. Usually to get a kekah who was arrested with his son how to shoot the mother. In addition to being shot, captured by primates is pursued and trapped. How to catch the pursued is usually done by local residents who have been accustomed to hunt in the woods. Kekah female seen carrying a child will be pursued constantly. Usually not too long, the parent would let their children kekah (allegedly due to stress and panic kekah easy). Children who are released will not say anything in a tree, if the tree shake hard enough with the shouting, the children kekah will jump / dive to the bottom, so easy to catch. How to catch with traps made using a large wooden traps placed near the garden or fields.
Residents are usually set traps to trap the monkeys, which are pests second to their fields and gardens. Therefore, the trap is rarely checked, so it never occurred kekah one group, a 5 tail, caught dead in a trap because it does not get food and drinks. Not only is hunting, is also increasingly pressured because kekah habitat issues. Until 2000, illegal logging in the Natuna almost spent lowland forest habitat kekah. Kekah now more often found on old rubber plantations that have been to secondary forests. Unfortunately, rubber garden is a garden that is no longer productive, and based on data from the Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Natuna Regency, rubber plantations will be replanted or diproduktifkan again with new crops. This further narrowed the remaining habitat kekah.
In addition, the status of endemism that are limited to one island, plus hunting high to be maintained and sold, and there has been no public awareness efforts (public awareness), cause kekah Natuna critically endangered. Therefore, the action of the protection of the Natuna kekah very urgent to be done. If not, in the near kekah Natuna will become extinct, and the earth will lose one species of primates endemic in Indonesia.
In the absence of a conservation area in the Natuna Islands, Natuna kekah will soon become extinct due to habitat loss and poaching.
Ferdi N. Rangkuti *)
Natuna Islands in the South China Sea lies between Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Vietnam and Cambodia. In the cluster of the Natuna Islands, there is the island of Natuna Besar or Bunguran located at the coordinates 030 38 '- 040 15' N latitude and 1070 58 '- 1080 25' longitude. Wide island about 172 000 ha, with a length of 65 km and 45 km wide.
Some endemic animals can be found on the island include Kekah Natuna (Presbytis Natunae), slow loris (Nycticebus coucang Natunae), and long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis pumila) is a three primates endemic to the island of Natuna. In addition, several endangered species such as Mermaids (Dugong), leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coreacea), and Crocodile Estuary (Crocodilus porosus) are also found in Natuna Island (Chasen, 1935).
Similarly, the plant is rich Natuna Island species of plants, especially trees of high economic value of the types of Dipterocarpaceae (Steenis, 1932). Natuna island also has a variety of vegetation types, including primary forest mountains, kerangas forest, swamp forest and mangrove. It is unfortunate, it was a wealth of biodiversity on the island of Natuna have a big threat very seriously.
Kekah Natuna (Presbytis natunae), a fauna which has the largest and most serious threat. One of the biggest threats are habitat loss due to land conversion and poaching. In addition, this endemic primate species is known by the public Natuna, because it has a fairly high sales value. Natuna Kekah sold for between Rp. 300.000, - to Rp. 800.000, - per head. Kekah the young have a higher sale value, as well as adults who have been trained kekah or benign.
The number of people who want to maintain this Natuna kekah, because the morphological shape is very funny, but it is also easy to tame animals, and is considered to have a prestige value if preserving it. Some people who keep claiming kekah very easy to take care, because kekah not be fed anything at all, as humans commonly eaten foods (rice, bread, milk, bananas, and vegetables). Of course, many cases of death kekah in maintenance due to the consumption of feed that is not appropriate.In addition, kekah too much taken out of the island known as a souvenir or gift, or for sale. Transportation used commonly merchant ships in local ports, because it is usually not through examination of the means.
Due to high demand and selling prices relatively high, the number of kekah who hunted more and more. Research conducted by Tim PSBK UI for June 16 to July 2, 2002, there were 28 tails Kekah been caught and preserved. Most animals will be sold by the owner. From interviews with several people who have to maintain kekah Natuna, the animal is dead easy and does not last long if maintained. In addition to its food that is not appropriate, other possibilities for kekah easily stressed.
Number of well maintained kekah recorded or not recorded, yet represent the total number caught / hunted. Usually to get a kekah who was arrested with his son how to shoot the mother. In addition to being shot, captured by primates is pursued and trapped. How to catch the pursued is usually done by local residents who have been accustomed to hunt in the woods. Kekah female seen carrying a child will be pursued constantly. Usually not too long, the parent would let their children kekah (allegedly due to stress and panic kekah easy). Children who are released will not say anything in a tree, if the tree shake hard enough with the shouting, the children kekah will jump / dive to the bottom, so easy to catch. How to catch with traps made using a large wooden traps placed near the garden or fields.
Residents are usually set traps to trap the monkeys, which are pests second to their fields and gardens. Therefore, the trap is rarely checked, so it never occurred kekah one group, a 5 tail, caught dead in a trap because it does not get food and drinks. Not only is hunting, is also increasingly pressured because kekah habitat issues. Until 2000, illegal logging in the Natuna almost spent lowland forest habitat kekah. Kekah now more often found on old rubber plantations that have been to secondary forests. Unfortunately, rubber garden is a garden that is no longer productive, and based on data from the Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Natuna Regency, rubber plantations will be replanted or diproduktifkan again with new crops. This further narrowed the remaining habitat kekah.
Sayang sekali, satwa endemik yang bagus, potensi Nusantara, saat ini terancam punah, dan sedikit sekali upaya untuk melestarikannya.