Resiko Lari Pagi

Risiko Lari Pagi

Sekedar ngingetin saja. Hindari olahraga di pagi hari, karena bisa meningkatkan risiko terkena infeksi. Begitu saran para ahli. Bagaimana jelasnya?

Olahraga memang baik untuk tubuh. Apalagi bila dilakukan secara teratur, seperti saran para dokter dan ahli kesehatan. Tapi, jangan asal olahraga, lho. Kita harus melakukannya pada saat yang tepat!

Penelitian terhadap lebih dari 400 atlit di Inggris, baru-baru ini, menyimpulkan bahwa atlit yang kerap berlatih di pagi hari, cenderung memiliki kadar kortisol tinggi dan IgA rendah. Apakah arti semua itu?

Mereka cenderung memiliki tingkat stres tinggi, kekebalan tubuh yang rendah, serta rawan terkena infeksi hidung dan mulut. Sebaliknya, atlit yang kerap berlatih di sore hari, cenderung memiliki kadar kortisol rendah dan IgA tinggi.

 Kortisol adalah hormon stres yang bisa menghambat sistem kekebalan tubuh. Sedangkan IgA adalah besarnya aliran air liur, yang sangat berguna untuk melindungi hidung dan mulut dari infeksi.

"Ternyata tubuh kita memiliki jam biologis tertentu, yang justru bisa merugikan kita sendiri bila kita melanggarnya," ujar ahli. Lantas, apa yang harus kita lakukan?

"Waktu yang tepat adalah sore hari. Jadi bila Anda akan berolahraga, ya, sebaiknya tidak dilakukan di pagi hari. Apalagi bila Anda baru sembuh dari sakit atau cidera," kutip British Journal of Sports Medicine.

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the risk of Morning Running

Just to remind it. Avoid exercise in the morning, because it can increase the risk of infection. Once the advice of experts. How to clear?

Exercise is good for the body. Moreover, if done regularly, such as the advice of doctors and health experts. But, must not exercise, you know. We must do it at the right time!

A study of more than 400 athletes in the UK, recently concluded that athletes who often train in the morning, tend to have high cortisol levels and low IgA. What does all that?

They tend to have high stress levels, low immunity, and prone to infection of the nose and mouth. Conversely, athletes who often train in the afternoon, tend to have low cortisol and IgA levels high.

  Cortisol is a stress hormone that can inhibit the immune system. While IgA is the large flow of saliva, which is very useful for protecting the nose and mouth of the infection.

"It turned out that our body has certain biological clock, which can actually hurt ourselves when we violate it," said the expert. So, what should we do?

"The right time is late afternoon. So when you are exercising, yes, should not be done in the morning. Especially when you are recovering from illness or injury," quotes the British Journal of Sports Medicine.


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